What is happening to Immigration Laws in 2017?

March 1, 2017

There have been a lot of changes in 2017 so far regarding immigration laws. The Trump administration is enforcing national immigration laws more aggressively, and according to documents released by the Department of Homeland Security a couple weeks ago, there are even more rules on who to target.

What are President Trump's new immigration policies?

Under the Obama administration, immigrants convicted of serious crimes, recent border crossers, and national security threats had priority deportation. The new enforcement under President Trump's administration is being directed to deport anyone who is in the country without the proper documents.This means the federal government is looking to arrest and deport any undocumented immigrant, regardless of whether they have committed any serious crimes. ICE, which stands for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, has agents in the field already detaining immigrants. The President's administration is also planning on enlisting local police officers as enforcers, building new detention facilities, discouraging asylum seekers, and speeding up the deportation time. Under these new guidelines, President Trump has expanded the definition of "criminal alien."

What executive orders affecting immigration have been enacted in 2017?

President Trump has signed 5 executive orders within the first week of being President. Former President Obama also signed 5 executive orders within his first week, however none of them related to immigration. Here's a list of the new executive orders that are affected by immigration:

Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements

The Department of Homeland Security was instructed to immediately build a wall 1,900-miles long on the Southern border of Mexico. This will be done using federal funds and will have 5,000 border protection officers.

Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States

This executive order enforced deportation of undocumented immigrants and is working towards tripling the resources for enforcements by adding 10,000 immigration officers. It also withholds funding from sanctuary cities, which protect many undocumented immigrants. Sanctuary cities are municipalities, states, and other entities that can refuse to give up undocumented immigrants to federal authorities through different shielding policies.

Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States

This order bans refugees from entering the country for 120 days. It also has banned immigrants from Muslim-majority countries for 3 months. The countries on the list are:

  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Syria
  • Sudan
  • Libya
  • Yemen
  • Somalia

However, the government has been enjoined from enforcing this order by a federal court. The Trump administration has indicated they intend to replace it with a different order that would achieve similar goals, though they have yet to release that new order. If you or your family or friends need help with immigration status, contact Salmon-Haas today. Our immigration lawyers have worked with many clients to get them their green card or visa, and more. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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Immigration law can be complex, but we always stay on top of the latest developments. If you have questions about immigration law or your immigration case, contact us today to set up a free initial consultation.

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